Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wager of 2011

My life has been, & is, anything but ordinary. I like it this way. One of my little’s, Donny, has a similar aspect to his life. (Before everyone starts asking what I mean by “little”, if you do not know, I will not tell you. & do not ask. Be a trooper & find out on your own. I mean this in the nicest way possible because I just do not like explaining it.)

Well, with that said about my life & Donny’s life, why not make it interesting? We have entered into a wager for 2011. Between Donny & I, the person who has the best story for 2011, that has to happen in its entirety from January 1st 2011 to December 31st 2011, wins.

Wins what you ask?
Why a full liter bottle of Jack Daniels of course. (Provided by the loser. This is in no way sponsored or endorsed by Jack Daniels...although that would be AMAZING!)

What are the parameters?
Glad you asked!
---In 2011, live your life to the fullest & have great stories to tell from it. Preferably a top three. With details. (Names can be changed to protect the awesome.)
---Sometime after January 1st 2012, Donny’s & Christofer’s top three stories will be compared.
---If there is not a definite winner, which how Donny & Christofer like to debate, there will not be, a panel of judges will decide.
---Stories must be able to be verified if someone calls bullsh*t. Which we will most likely call bullsh*t on eachother at least twice.

Who are these panel judges you speak of?

Well so far we have Adam. We have also stated that two of the judges should be strangers to both of us so it is a fair judging. (Adam has already stated his vote could be bought.) Both Donny & Christofer must agree to each judge before they are accepted.

Panel Judges:

1) Adam C.
2) Jon M.
3) Yet To Be Named
4) Stranger Yet To Be Named
5) Stranger Yet To Be Named

How will these judges judge the stories?

I have no idea. We have a year. I am sure they can come up with a few categories, assign points, & vote. It is not rocket science...unless one of our stories involved Kennedy Space Center & a mission launch. Just sayin...

How does one become a judge?
I do not know. But you can follow me (Christofer) on twitter @CRGutekunst & Donny @DonnyInitiative in attempts to befriend us & weasel your way onto the panel. Who knows, we may expand the panel to more than five members. We have a year to break amend the rules.

*Update 01-17-2011 Jon added as a judge.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I Do Not Own A TV

Many people do not believe me when I say this. But I do not, & have not, owned a TV since August of 2000. & yes, there is a story behind this.

May of 2000 I was moving out of the dorms & did not want to lug the 25 inch TV I had in my dorms back home. Since I was moving in to the fraternity house that fall, I decided to leave it there till the fall. Now, this was not your flat screen LCD 25 inch TV. It was an old wood box tube TV that weighed about a lot.

When I got to the house, I ran into one of my fraternity brothers Zack. Now Zack did not have a TV in his room. We quickly came to the arrangement that he could use my TV till I moved in & he would help me carry it to the third floor when I moved it. Perfect.

Fast-Forward to August when I move in.

Zack & I carry this beast of a TV up three flights of stairs to my room. It was not fun. After I get everything set up, I move the TV where I want it & run the cable, turn it on & everything is good.

About two weeks after that, I go to watch TV in my room for the first time. I turn it on, hear a "poof" noise & see a flash of white from the tube. It died. So I call my dad who says, "That thing is older than you, throw it out & we will get you a new one."

So, being who I am, I decide to have fun getting rid of the tv. I go across the hall when Rick's room was. I just say, "I need some help moving my TV."

Rick comes across the hall expecting to move the TV down the stairs & notices I already have it by the window. The open window. With the screen removed. On the fourth floor. Rick just smiled.

We get the bulking TV up on the ledge then Rick peeks out. "Clear!"

We push I watch. Just then, the back door opens & Justin walks out.


Luckily it landed about ten feet away from Justin. He looked up & started cursing us & saying we needed to clean it up.

Now I was supposed to get a new TV, but my car ended up needing work so instead of a new TV, I got my car fixed. I have not owned a TV since.

Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year Resolutions 2011

New Year’s Resolutions:

1. Don’t die in 2011
I try to make this a resolution every year. My friends who know me know that I tend to do off the wall things sometimes. They have also told me that I am most likely going to die by my own hands. (examples: I have hit 150 mph on a Yamaha R1 & 160 mph in my Audi TT.) I have no problem with this, as long as it is fun. But I would like it to NOT be in the near future.

2. Go to a beach on east coast & west coast
I figured it would be somewhat of an achievement to say that I have been on a beach on each coast in a year. Plus I have friends I want to visit on each coast. So why not?

3. Really, don’t die in 2011!
Just a friendly reminder of #1, cause I need it.

4. Do a random act of kindness once a month
Many times people take things for granted. Have you ever seen someone struggling with luggage or groceries? See someone broken down on the side of the road? If you were ever in that situation, what would you give for someone to stop & help you? I plan on keeping my eyes open for these situations &, once a month being that person that offers the helping hand to someone in need.

5. Do Stand Up
I have had people tell me I am funny. But these people know me. What would a group of strangers think? Why not find out. What is the worst that can happen?

6. Avoid Crown Royal at all costs.
Thanks to Khieu, I have ingested more than enough Crown Royal 3-4 ounces at a time. My stomach cringes at the smell of it now. No more Crown Royal for a longtime my friends.

7. Do not drink till my birthday in 2011
I have done this before. Once was in college to put myself in check, the other times was to get back in shape. This is one of those get-back-in shape/apologize-to-my-liver times. Plus I could use a good break. The time from January first till my birthday is not short, but not too long. So I think it will be plenty of time. Plus, who doesn’t want a drink or two on their birthday? P.S. Props to you if you know my birthday.

8. Get another tattoo
I have one tattoo. I got it August of 2000. I have wanted another one since. I have two that I will definitely get, one is my family shield that I will show people, the other one will be hidden & no one will know I got it unless they see it. THAT tattoo is for me & me alone because I do not think anyone understands.

I think that is it, but I might add more in a few days.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A College Story

So while in college, I lived in the fraternity house I was a member of. A lot of insane events took place there, but this is one of my favorites.

The one evening, there was a few of us sitting around one of the main rooms discussing the odd alcohol related items we have seen. This included to custom beerpong tables, beer bongs, different types of shot glasses, ice luges, etc. Now Josh, who is still a good friend of mine, had the room next to mine on the second floor & was a part of this discussion.

Two days later, Josh comes down the stairs into the main room with a grin on his face. After questioning him about it, all he said was this.

“I have a package being shipped here. When it arrives, nobody open it. Just set it in the front room for me so it will be like Christmas morning when I see it.”

& about two days later, guess what arrived. A rather large, rather heavy, brown box. When Josh got back from class later that day, he was excited. How excited? Imagine Charlie Sheen being handed four eight balls of cocaine by two strippers & two porn stars with the President of the United States right behind them saying, “Hey Charlie, no matter what happens, I will pardon you. So have at it!”

That excited.

When Josh opened it up, inside was a Jagermeister machine. Yes kids, one of these.

Now Josh & I always made sure our rooms were stocked for parties, this just upped the ante. I am not 100% sure on the numbers, but I estimate that over the next month, Josh had to have spent around $1,500 on Jagermeister & Redbull.
People would be back & forth doing shots of Jack Daniels or Bacardi in my room, to Jager-Bombs in his room. Needless to say, that semester was somewhat of a blur. It was also the semester that, during a party, I walked into my room to find about ten people partying it up with my bosses boss.

But THAT my friends, is another story!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Once Upon A Sorority Formal

So while I was in college I became a member of The Delta Chi Fraternity. (Side Note: If you EVER have any question as to if you should join a fraternity/sorority, I say YES. Even if it is for one year, the experience is unlike any other.)

Well we had a group of girls we referred to as “The Hoe Train”. Not because they slept with everyone, but because they were just the opposite. They were friends with all the guys, hung out a lot, partied with us all the time & even told us which girls to stay away from.

Well these girls were in a sorority, which will remain nameless due to the contents of this story, & they decided that as a thank you they were going to take a few of us to their formal. The following story is about said formal.

Now because we always hooked the girls up with alcohol, drunk food, & futons/couches to crash on, they decided to set up everything for the pregame & after party. They got three rooms at the “Tally-Ho Inn”. (Sounds like a $30 a night was.) They also bought what seemed like an unlimited amount of alcohol. We started pre-gaming way, way to early & were gone by the time we got our rides to the Student Center.

Why the Student Center?
Because that is where the charter busses were picking everyone up.

Charter busses?
Yes. To drive us to & from the Country Club.

Country Club?
The one sorority girl’s parents were nice enough to let us use their Country Club.

Oh no....what happened?
Oh no is right. Here’s what happened:

We were told the rules upon entering the busses:
We were to stay in the banquet room that was ours.
No going to the main club bar as we had our own.
No going outside anywhere near or on the golf course.

Rules? Rigggghhhht...

From what I recall, there were at least 10-15 people at the club bar at a time. People were having sex in the bathrooms. Not just the ones in our banquet room, but the main ones. The Men’s & Women’s bathrooms. I even think my one buddy (who was in a different fraternity) had sex with his date in the coat room. I remember seeing at least four girls puking, one in the main area right by the entrance doors. People went on the golf course. I KNOW my other buddy (in yet a different fraternity) had sex on the ninth hole green.

Now, with me working the previous summer on a golf course maintenance crew, I had a universal key (& still have said key) to any Club Car golf cart. I put this into use with my friend who was in the fraternity two doors down from me. We drove the back nine, & turffed the thirteenth & the fifteenth greens. We did this all without spilling our Jack Daniels & Diet Cokes. (We were proud of that accomplishment.)

Now, after an hour or so into the formal, rumor had spread that we had (cheap) rooms at the Tally-Ho Inn. The other girls in the sorority ended up getting another ten plus rooms at the hotel, & bringing more alcohol. The entire sorority & dates showed up afterwards. (This would be around 180 or more drunk college students in case you cannot figure the numbers yourself.)

Now, when we were pre-gaming, I found something that stated the hotel had a pool. I turned to my date & said “We need to find this pool.” After a ten-fifteen minute walk around the hotel, (all outside as it was THAT cheap of a place), we failed to find said pool. BUT after the formal during the after party, I wanted to make a second effort. Alas I could not find my date, but two other members of the sorority were more than happy to help.

This part is fuzzy, but I remember was told this:
We found the pool.
The pool was empty.
I ended up in the empty pool.
I lost all my clothes.
I still had my Jack Daniels & Diet Coke.
The girls ran off with my clothes.

So I walked back to the rooms but naked, but with drink in hand. This was amusing to EVERYONE. Finally one of the girls tossed me my Nike mesh shorts, & I stood outside the room with a few people talking & drinking. A few minutes goes by, & my date comes out of the room saying, “Oh my lord, I just heard you were naked in a pool & I missed it!” She then sits on the curb next to me with her drink in hand.

Well, being the gentleman I am, I stood up, turned to her & said “here is what you missed!” & then I dropped the Nike shorts to my feet.

Her response?
“Oh my lord Christofer Robin, I am starring at your penis.”

Everyone is highly amused by me once again, & I pull the Nike shorts back up, & just in time. No more than five seconds later, I really, really bright light is shined on all of us. It is Kent’s finest. The police.
People scatter. Some go to other rooms, some go in our room. My date, who is still twenty at the time, freezes. (She was kind of a goody too shoes.) I tell her to leave her drink & go inside. One of the other girls, who was of age, picked up her drink & stood there next to me.

The two officers came up, & the one started asking us questions. Now I can keep my composure pretty well when drinking, so talking to the police was not an issue. The issue was the other officer went over to the door & tapped it with his flashlight. & because it was not fully closed, it swung wide open, giving them the go ahead to walk right in. The officer I was talking to had us all go inside “so we could all talk”.

Once inside, I see the chaotic drunken hurricane we were. Beer cans everywhere. Empty liquor bottles all over. Shot glasses anywhere there was room. Plus around fifteen drunken fraternity & sorority members. All of us were over twenty-one. Well, all but my date.

Now a little bit about my date before this part. She had a very good upbringing. Two older sisters, & parents that cared. She NEVER swore. NEVER lied. ALWAYS said thank you. Even wasted she was polite. This girl, who I still talk to today, is a doll. She had aspirations of going to law school, & doing great things in her life.

Now, back to the room. Everyone is quiet, & the officer, pointing with his flashlight to each person one by one, starts asking, “Are you twenty-one?” I look at my date who is sitting on one of the beds. She has fear in her eyes. My only though was this: “****** is so fucked. She doesn’t lie.”

When the officer points his flashlight at her, & asks “are you twenty-one?” She replies “Yes” & puts her head down in shame.

My first thought?
“Holy Shit! ****** lied to a cop!!!”

My second thought?
“Did I just say that out loud?!?”

Thank GOD I didn’t.

Luckily, we only got a warning from the officers. I am sure it had to do with them being lazy & too much paperwork.

At this point we had learned our lesson & decided to go to bed….

NOT! We stayed up & partied for even longer, but stayed inside the rooms & hopped from room-to-room dorm style.

Now the results of this formal:

Because of my antics, the entire sorority would constantly refer to me, & call me, “The Swimmer”

Because of the actions of the sorority, they ended up on probation for two years. Some of the girls were kicked out.

The girl’s parents who were members of the Country Club? They were no longer members the following week.

My date did in fact go to law school.

All in all, I would say it was a good formal. Well, atleast in my opinion.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Here, hold this"

So…Some number of years ago this happened:

Me & a few of my friends, who will remain nameless, were out drinking in a popular suburb of Cleveland. At one point I lived in said suburb for six months. Among all the places we would go, there was one bar in particular that always had fights due to the mass amounts of meatheads the bar attracted. We usually avoided this bar, but on this night, for some reason, we thought it was a good idea to go there.

We show up, grab a few, & hang out. Less than ten minutes in, a fight breaks out right next to us. Now, there were fights there so frequently, that the bar was required to have police on location. It took less than a minute for two police officers to come over & break it up. Right after they broke up the fight & were about to cuff the guys, ANOTHER fight broke out on the other side of the bar. In all of this confusion, my buddy decided to grab the police officer’s MAGLite, & hand it to me saying, “Here, hold this!”

& of course, yours truly took the MAGLite, & stuffed it under my track jersey I was wearing. Everyone then proceeded to the exit, where we walked by the police officers & wished them a good night.

Once outside, the MAGLite was turned on as we went down the street. Shinning it on people, at cars, in bars, etc. Now at this point, I would like to apologize to the person who lived in my apartment after me for shining the flashlight in the windows & repeatedly yelling “I USED TO LIVE THERE!!!” I am sorry, I was a dick.

At the end of the night, I ended up with the MAGLite, & my buddy who handed it to me was not too thrilled. But I had plans.

About six months later, it was my buddies birthday. I took the MAGLite to Things Remembered, & had “ ‘Suburbs Name’ Police Department” engraved on it. He got it for his birthday. He was thrilled.

Monday, July 26, 2010


So when I ran track in highschool I only did sprints, nothing more than a 400m dash. My coach once put me in the mile, but after one lap I "accidentally" stepped off the track infront of the line judge I was disqualified.

Recently I have started to run longer distances, mainly trying to run 5K, & have been doing pretty good with the training but never able to do more than three to three & a half miles. The other day I found a marked 5K trail that was in a park close by & decided to run it to see how I would do.

I went there today & when I got out of the car I started to stretch & put my headphones on. What I didn't realize was that no more than 50 feet away there was about 20 or so kids having a picnic. Did I mention that all the kids were in wheelchairs? Yeah, that's right.

When I first noticed this, my first thought was "Oh shit, I am an asshole." You want to talk about awkward. Then I made eye contact with one of the kids. I got the, "I wish I could run" look. At that point I felt really really bad. Horrible.

So I stared running. Trying to not think about what just happened & focus on the run. Well, somehow (Karma) I missed the halfway turnaround point for the 5K (Karma) & by the time I realized it I was way way past it. (Karma.) I turn around & head back. Because (Karma) I missed the turnaround, my 5K was turned into an 8K (Karma).

Now I am sore, my calves feel like they are on fire, my body hates me, & I can not drink enough water. Well played God, well played.

I consider myself a nice person & a decent human being. I have tons of friends who will back me up on this too. I want to chalk this one up to wrong place, wrong time but there has to be a lesson learned. Always know & be aware of your surroundings.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



In high school I never drank. In college I drank a lot (sometimes in class). Right after college I drank socially. Now I drink maybe 4-5 times a year. One of those times was this past Saturday, thanks to Josh.

Usually when I go out, since I do not drink, I am the designated driver. I stop by the Keebler House, we go out, I drop people off, & the night is over & everyone is safe. But last week Josh called with tickets to an Arena Football game before going out. The next thing he said is, “Why don’t you just pack a bag & crash on the couch?” What Josh was actually saying was, “You have not drank in awhile & I think you should.”

So I show up around 6 pm with a bag packed, drop it off then Josh & I head downtown to the game. If anyone has not been to an Arena Football game I highly suggest going. It is an experience (especially when you are so close to the players that you have conversations with them!)

Now Josh has this knack for finding the bartenders, no matter what the place/event, that serve the most potent of drinks (mainly Jack Daniels & Diet Coke). Before we head to the seats, Josh finds said bartender, & gets us two JD&DC’s. This bartender mixed them like I used to back in college, & it was glorious!

During halftime, we go walking around where Josh goes for round two. I stop to think. “If I am going to be drinking like THIS all night, I might want to take it slow.” So I tell Josh I am going to pass on this one & continue later.

----BEST PART ABOUT MY FRIENDS: If you ever pass on drinking, they will not make fun of you. You might get ONE comment on occasion, but they understand it is a choice you make, not them.----

Game ends & we head back to meet up with Jordan, who is running late as always. As we step inside, Josh points out that his dogs, Walker & Jax (mainly Walker), decide to tear open my bag & dig out my toothpaste & toothbrush. Walker, a huge, untrained & wild husky, apparently likes toothpaste. Thank you Under Armor for making a backpack to withstand the vicious attack of a toothpaste loving husky. No damage to the backpack, but I did have to get a new toothbrush.

Jordan FINALLY shows up, & we head out.

First stop, Blind Pig. Not a fan of this place, but Jordan wanted to go, & since she is a girl, we were nice & obliged. JD&DC for Josh &, Jordan got some fruity rum thing.

Now we headed to Tequila Ranch (TR). Josh is so well known here that he does not even have to order. When they see him walk in, they instantly mix up a JD&DC. Oh, did I forget to mention that we were drinking doubles? (Not in the normal rocks-glass, but in the taller pint drink glass.) Of course I follow suit with a JD&DC.

So we are just sitting, talking, whatever & I honestly do not recall how many refills of JD&DC I had. The bartenders just kept them coming without asking if we wanted another. If I had to estimate, I would say at least five more were had in the next hour & a half. Now for as social as my friends & I are, we are also geeks with technology, & focused on what we are doing in life. So while sitting there talking, we are on facebook, twitter, checking email, etc. My buddies Josh & Doug love talking business. Jordan, not so much. She just makes fun of us.

Now somewhere between round three & four, TR gets packed. One blonde girl that just screamed “I am Josh’s type” comes up to the bar next to him. Now since I am such a great wingman, I take it upon myself to make sure that she & Josh start talking.
More on that one over here: Josh & Doug's Blog

As Josh & the blonde start talking, I move away to let him do what he does. At that time I noticed a girl about five feet away with a pink “bachelorette” sash with flashing lights on it. Of course I could not see this & not say anything. This ended up in getting them a round of shots. Specifically a round of S.O.S.’s. They thought the shots were “really really strong”. Anyone who knows what an S.O.S. is will find the humor in this.

This is where things get fuzzy. I remember Josh saying something about two girls across the bar from us, & Jordan saying “They know you are looking at them.” So I make my way around & introduce myself. Josh comes over & conversation ensues. At this point, Jordan wants to go to Dive Bar. Josh stays, & Jordan & I head over. (Mind you I did not remember going to Dive Bar until MONDAY MORNING.)

What I recall from Dive Bar:

A brunette girl named Theresa that did some sort of running/drinking marathon that night.
Maybe shots…?

Not much, huh? Just one of MANY reasons I rarely drink. What I do recall is getting back (by cab) & pulling out my preemptive strike hangover remover. A bottle of Gatorade & Tylenol. This is a tactic I learned in college thanks to the fraternity I belonged to.

Next thing I know, I hear my alarm on my iPhone going off. 6am, time for church! I get up, fully recovered but dehydrated, head back, shower change, rehydrate, go to church then go boating for the day.

I cannot say exactly when the next time I am going to drink will be, but it might not be till New Years unless another big event comes along.

Side note: Theresa, you were a cool girl. Maybe if I was not so intoxicated I would have thought to ask you to dinner & got your number!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

People I would like to get drunk with

There are always the questions people randomly ask to try & get to know others. If you could eat dinner with anyone, who would it be? If you could fight anyone, who would it be? (Thank you Fight Club.) If you were trapped on a deserted island, what three items would you bring?

Well I have one of my own. Over the course of your life, who would you like to get drunk with? I like to use this one because there is no limit. I do not ask which one person. It could be five, fifty or however many you can think of. Below are my people (in no particular order).

Conan O’Brien:
We could commentate on everything happening at the bar, & interview random people for the hell of it.
Pat Wentz: (Kent State Social Monster, & now Columbus, Ohio resident.)
I have already gotten drunk with him many times & hey, why not one more?
Chelsea Clinton:
Her & I have the same birthday. Like same day, same year. I almost sent a letter to the White House inviting her to celebrate her 21st with me at Kent State.
Boris Spassky: (Russian Chess champion who was beat by Bobby Fisher)
Take the collapse of Russia, the loss of the Cold War, & put that into a man who was beat by a child at a sophisticated game of intellect. I am sure he as a few stories to share over some vodka.
Joan of Arc:
Uhm, she led an army to key victories during the 100 years war, I am sure she can lead one hell of a bar crawl, & can handle her own in a bar fight!
Ellen Degeneres:
If she is that upbeat & outgoing sober, imagine how much more she would be after a few shots?
Ashton Kutchner:
He is a prankster who is all about having fun. Plus we have a mutual friend we could share stories about.
One condition: She has to START sober!
Wyatt Earp:
OK Corral anyone?
Tiger Woods:
Bars have Golden Tee, & that would be my only chance to beat him at golf. Bonus: Every time he looks at a girl I get to say: “I am going to tell Elin!”
Lady Gaga:
This would be anything but normal, & nothing short of awesome.
Al Gore:
We would play the card game “Bullshit”. & no matter what he said, I would call bullshit the entire game, every time.
Betty Ford:
So I can say, “I got drunk with Betty Ford” & enjoy the irony of the statement.
Tom Cruise:
I would just love to hear his drunken rants & what is on his mind.
M.C. Escher:
How & why he came about his images he created.
Don “Mr. Wizard” Herbert
Could you imagine the bar tricks this guy has?
Dale Carnegie:
Talk about the ultimate wing man.

Who would you want to get drunk with & why?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

That Man

So today I was at Marc's (think of Wal*Mart, but local, cheaper, & shady) & when I was walking down an aisle, there was an unfit mother yelling at her child. How was she unfit? Not because she was yelling at her child, but by what she was saying.

True, she did have a high pitched banshee like scream that would make ANY child, man, or woman run away. I almost turned around halfway down the aisle to avoid the whole scene because of her yells, but unfortunately, I continued onward. As I walked by I heard, along with probably every other customer in Marc's, her berating her child to stay close & don't get lost because there are bad people in this world. She specifically mentioned murderers & kidnappers.

At this point I realized my mistake in not turning around halfway down the aisle.

As I walked by her eyes darted at me. I did not make eye contact, just looked forward beyond what was happening, when she pointed at me, looked at her child, & said the following:

"Like him. That man is going to kidnap you if you don't stay close to me."

Really?!?! I mean, REALLY?!?!?! I do not think, nor has anyone ever mentioned to me ever, that I resemble any sort of kidnapping type. & great parenting by the way. I wonder how many other complexes & fears you are going to give your child over the next few years?

Just because your child will not listen to you, & you are frustrated about it, does not mean you get to point me, someone you do not know, out as a kidnapper to your child, let alone an entire store!

I paused for a second, was about to say something, but then kept my mouth shut & kept walking. I could easily see the child start to cry/scream/whatever at the thought of me, the kidnapper, coming at him, & then his howling banshee of a mother start to yell at me for causing her child’s distress & panic. I had my items to purchase already, so I just walked away to the cash register.

Sad part is, the child still did not listen. As I was being rung out by the cashier, I heard the banshee scream, "What did I tell you!!! He will get you if you don't stay by me!!!"

Part of me wanted to go find the isle the mother & child was in, stand at the end of it with the meanest face I could make, & just point at the child. But I figured that the next ten plus years of that child’s life with the banshee was going to be hard enough, why give him a kidnapping complex as well.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A glimpse into my way of thinking

Here is a story about how I think about situations.

It was the end of the spring semester of sixth grade, I was thirteen. I was sitting in social studies & my teacher Mr. Tressel, (not the “Ohio State Buckeyes” Mr. Tressel but his brother,) was sitting with each student to give them their progress & grade potentials. When Mr. Tressel called me to his desk I found out that I had a mid B. Now, being the end of the semester with little class work left, I started to ask a few questions about assignments left to see if it was possible to get the A. His answer: Even if I got 100% on the final two assignments & the last test, I would still end up with a B.
Now this is where my thinking turns. I then proceed to ask him what if I get 0% on the two assignments & test?
From what I can remember he was taken aback, but he still did the math. If I got 0% on those two assignments & test, I would still hold onto my B. I thought about this for a second, said ok, & returned to my seat. What did I do? Nothing. Well, nothing pertaining to social studies that is.
I did not do the two assignments. I used the social studies class time for the rest of the year to finish up other course work, or sign people’s yearbooks. (Yearbook signing was a huge thing at Roehm Middle School, you would have had to gone there to understand.) When it came time for that test, I failed. Miserably. Out of 100 points I think I managed to get 20 or so.
What was this test on you might be asking? Nothing really, just the states & capitals of The Unites States of America. & yes, to this day, because of my way of thinking in this particular situation, I can not name many of the states or capitals.