Monday, July 26, 2010


So when I ran track in highschool I only did sprints, nothing more than a 400m dash. My coach once put me in the mile, but after one lap I "accidentally" stepped off the track infront of the line judge I was disqualified.

Recently I have started to run longer distances, mainly trying to run 5K, & have been doing pretty good with the training but never able to do more than three to three & a half miles. The other day I found a marked 5K trail that was in a park close by & decided to run it to see how I would do.

I went there today & when I got out of the car I started to stretch & put my headphones on. What I didn't realize was that no more than 50 feet away there was about 20 or so kids having a picnic. Did I mention that all the kids were in wheelchairs? Yeah, that's right.

When I first noticed this, my first thought was "Oh shit, I am an asshole." You want to talk about awkward. Then I made eye contact with one of the kids. I got the, "I wish I could run" look. At that point I felt really really bad. Horrible.

So I stared running. Trying to not think about what just happened & focus on the run. Well, somehow (Karma) I missed the halfway turnaround point for the 5K (Karma) & by the time I realized it I was way way past it. (Karma.) I turn around & head back. Because (Karma) I missed the turnaround, my 5K was turned into an 8K (Karma).

Now I am sore, my calves feel like they are on fire, my body hates me, & I can not drink enough water. Well played God, well played.

I consider myself a nice person & a decent human being. I have tons of friends who will back me up on this too. I want to chalk this one up to wrong place, wrong time but there has to be a lesson learned. Always know & be aware of your surroundings.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



In high school I never drank. In college I drank a lot (sometimes in class). Right after college I drank socially. Now I drink maybe 4-5 times a year. One of those times was this past Saturday, thanks to Josh.

Usually when I go out, since I do not drink, I am the designated driver. I stop by the Keebler House, we go out, I drop people off, & the night is over & everyone is safe. But last week Josh called with tickets to an Arena Football game before going out. The next thing he said is, “Why don’t you just pack a bag & crash on the couch?” What Josh was actually saying was, “You have not drank in awhile & I think you should.”

So I show up around 6 pm with a bag packed, drop it off then Josh & I head downtown to the game. If anyone has not been to an Arena Football game I highly suggest going. It is an experience (especially when you are so close to the players that you have conversations with them!)

Now Josh has this knack for finding the bartenders, no matter what the place/event, that serve the most potent of drinks (mainly Jack Daniels & Diet Coke). Before we head to the seats, Josh finds said bartender, & gets us two JD&DC’s. This bartender mixed them like I used to back in college, & it was glorious!

During halftime, we go walking around where Josh goes for round two. I stop to think. “If I am going to be drinking like THIS all night, I might want to take it slow.” So I tell Josh I am going to pass on this one & continue later.

----BEST PART ABOUT MY FRIENDS: If you ever pass on drinking, they will not make fun of you. You might get ONE comment on occasion, but they understand it is a choice you make, not them.----

Game ends & we head back to meet up with Jordan, who is running late as always. As we step inside, Josh points out that his dogs, Walker & Jax (mainly Walker), decide to tear open my bag & dig out my toothpaste & toothbrush. Walker, a huge, untrained & wild husky, apparently likes toothpaste. Thank you Under Armor for making a backpack to withstand the vicious attack of a toothpaste loving husky. No damage to the backpack, but I did have to get a new toothbrush.

Jordan FINALLY shows up, & we head out.

First stop, Blind Pig. Not a fan of this place, but Jordan wanted to go, & since she is a girl, we were nice & obliged. JD&DC for Josh &, Jordan got some fruity rum thing.

Now we headed to Tequila Ranch (TR). Josh is so well known here that he does not even have to order. When they see him walk in, they instantly mix up a JD&DC. Oh, did I forget to mention that we were drinking doubles? (Not in the normal rocks-glass, but in the taller pint drink glass.) Of course I follow suit with a JD&DC.

So we are just sitting, talking, whatever & I honestly do not recall how many refills of JD&DC I had. The bartenders just kept them coming without asking if we wanted another. If I had to estimate, I would say at least five more were had in the next hour & a half. Now for as social as my friends & I are, we are also geeks with technology, & focused on what we are doing in life. So while sitting there talking, we are on facebook, twitter, checking email, etc. My buddies Josh & Doug love talking business. Jordan, not so much. She just makes fun of us.

Now somewhere between round three & four, TR gets packed. One blonde girl that just screamed “I am Josh’s type” comes up to the bar next to him. Now since I am such a great wingman, I take it upon myself to make sure that she & Josh start talking.
More on that one over here: Josh & Doug's Blog

As Josh & the blonde start talking, I move away to let him do what he does. At that time I noticed a girl about five feet away with a pink “bachelorette” sash with flashing lights on it. Of course I could not see this & not say anything. This ended up in getting them a round of shots. Specifically a round of S.O.S.’s. They thought the shots were “really really strong”. Anyone who knows what an S.O.S. is will find the humor in this.

This is where things get fuzzy. I remember Josh saying something about two girls across the bar from us, & Jordan saying “They know you are looking at them.” So I make my way around & introduce myself. Josh comes over & conversation ensues. At this point, Jordan wants to go to Dive Bar. Josh stays, & Jordan & I head over. (Mind you I did not remember going to Dive Bar until MONDAY MORNING.)

What I recall from Dive Bar:

A brunette girl named Theresa that did some sort of running/drinking marathon that night.
Maybe shots…?

Not much, huh? Just one of MANY reasons I rarely drink. What I do recall is getting back (by cab) & pulling out my preemptive strike hangover remover. A bottle of Gatorade & Tylenol. This is a tactic I learned in college thanks to the fraternity I belonged to.

Next thing I know, I hear my alarm on my iPhone going off. 6am, time for church! I get up, fully recovered but dehydrated, head back, shower change, rehydrate, go to church then go boating for the day.

I cannot say exactly when the next time I am going to drink will be, but it might not be till New Years unless another big event comes along.

Side note: Theresa, you were a cool girl. Maybe if I was not so intoxicated I would have thought to ask you to dinner & got your number!