Sunday, November 8, 2009


So this is a test to see if I can get this blog up & running. I chose the name "This might or might not be updated" for two reasons:

The first reason being that this is a statement I like to use when trying to answer a question without answering it. "Wait a you like Sarah?!?" "I might or might not like Sarah".
It is technically an answer, but it does not answer anything, & the meaning can change with how you say it.

The second reason being that I am random in a non-random way. I can & have made routines successfully. But...I have also dropped them for no reason only to pick them back up at a later time. I can easily see myself posting in a routinely fashion, then stop posting for a month or so only to start up again in the same routine I had previously established, hence, "This might or might not be updated."

So check back oftem as this might or might not be updated!


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